He is the best chef e-v-e-r!!! He is one of Steve's long time friends', who happens to make us dinner quite a bit! HA! Right Tom? He pretty much creates everything from scratch, as you can see him making pasta down below...of course I can't forget to give Steve credit for assisting him that fine evening about 2 weeks back!

"American Idol" starts back up tonight! I can't wait to check out the new season w/ the new judges! Love these 2 promo pics which include Jennifer Lopez & Stephen Tyler!

Welcome back My Chemical Romance! Last night I read an article in Rolling Stone magazine about this "long lost band". (FYI: my Rolling Stone magazine was part of my 3 FREE magazine yearly subscription deal that came w/ my new camera in Dec!) Anyway, back to the band...the article talked about how the lead singer Gerard Way cleaned up his dark angry act & lost a few pounds. It was a very interesting read, my kind of read really. Here are 2 songs-1 official video included off their newest album....

Last but not least...by tomorrow 2 of my closest friends from home in VA---my guy best friend Justin & my sister's best friend Amanda will be welcoming their baby boy into the world. The thought of this unimaginable. I am on edge as my sister continues to update me throughout the day--it's so hard being away from home, especially during special times like these. Luckily she was able to finally fly back home (as she now lives in NY) this morning to be w/ Amanda. No detailed updates just yet, as I wouldn't even put them on my blog until they are 100% official & it's 100% the right time... but I promise I will when I've been given the OK. In the mean time Amanda texted me this photo of her recently. It's a snapshot of her wedding rings & the necklace I gave her for her baby shower around her neck. "Maddox" simply stated. This of course made me smile as I know she appreciated this sentimental gift that I ordered. Props to Jessie McCann's shop found on Etsy!

1 comment:
omg, i'm JUST now getting on and reading this! He he, I'm back to blogging finally too ;)
SO, SEND ME THAT PIC OF The necklaces!!! I LOVE that and I'm going to print it and put it in Maddox's baby album!!!!!!! I want to frame it too!!!!!!
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