Please tell me you have heard of FIVE BELOW. If not you MUST find one near you! ;) We have these in Virginia at home. They finally opened one up here in RI near my work! I took my friend Steph & her daughter there during our lunch break to show them how much this store ROCKS! EVERYTHING is $5 or under. And I'm not talking dollar store material here ladies & gents. There are goodies for kids, teens & adults inside this place! Today I picked up a disco ball (for the basement), a white board (for the basement), black sparkle eyeliner, a yellow plastic flower ring, a grey & white stripped fashion scarf, 2 graphic tees for me, 1 graphic tee for steve, pop rocks for steve, a nautical/anchor navy & white stripped bag/purse & more! My mind is drawing a blank....there are dvds, cards, school supplies, gift wrapping goodies, home decorations, electronics, sports goodies & whatever holiday is around the corner they always have holiday goodies! Again, FIVE BELOW ROCKS! (PS: Their website kinda sucks, don't let the site make you think that's all that they have!)

The weekend is here again! Luckily this week flew by fast; I have been SUPER busy, even more now that the big NEVA event that's every November is in preparation! This is my 3rd year being on the planning committee, I love! I'm even more excited about the event bc #1 it's NOT on my birthday this year, thank goodness since I turn 30 November 19th! ;) and #2 I'm already more involved, my over the top decorating ideas are coming to life!
FRI: The Brooklyn Fair to ride the rides & see *Love & Theft* in concert ("Runaway" & "Dancing in Circles").....SAT: cookout & bonfire @ the Furtado's in Mass
FRI: The Brooklyn Fair to ride the rides & see *Love & Theft* in concert ("Runaway" & "Dancing in Circles").....SAT: cookout & bonfire @ the Furtado's in Mass
The country trio *LOVE & THEFT* (maybe we will get to meet the band-we've been pretty lucky w/ that lately!)

*Us w/ "The Band Perry" @ the Washington County Fair in RI just a few weeks ago! (MORE PHOTOS TO COME) They sing the 2 hit songs "If I Die Young" & "Hip 2 My Heart"....I bet you anything one of their future hit songs will be "Walk Me Down the Middle"! Check it out, it kinda makes me tear up, this was from the actual concert we were at, just a few people back from the stage: (as the comments below the video say...excuse the VERY OBNOXIOUS girls screaming, they were VERY annoying that night & drunk & didn't have much clothing on!)
*Us w/ *Jake Owen* @ "Go Red For Women" in RI Valentines Day this past year!
Us w/ *Josh Thompson* @ "Go Red for Women" in RI Valentines Day this past year!

*Us w/ *Steel Magnolia* @ "Go Red For Women" in RI Valentines Day this past year!
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