Bean Town AKA BOSTON...what a whirlwind of a trip it was! 11 girls, freezing cold windy weather, lots of eating, drinking, dancing, picture taking & a few knocks on the door by the security guy!..........Short but sweet....By the time we got on the road this past Saturday it was around 1:30pm. We arrived at the hotel we were booked at only to find out that their was a flood on our floor. Sooo that hotel carted us around in taxi vans to an even nicer hotel! This is where we ended up staying! ..........After we got settled some went shopping & some stayed in the room to start drinking & posing for photo ops (I was part of this group!)....7pm dinner reservations @ my most favorite restaurant ever-PF Changs. I ate sooooooo much-including desert! YUM!....Then it was off to bar hopping! A few low key places @ first...eventually we ended up @ some club in "the alley". A few of us got split up so my group had to meet the other girls. We learned pretty quickly that "the alley" wasn’t the bar name, it was the area....eventually we found our crew! Fun times it was! Even though a few of our shoes were killing us!!! Lesson learned...or not...HA! Thankfully when we eventually went back to the hotel we were able to flag down the coolest taxi van driver ever. He was so nice! We got back to the hotel around was delivered around 3am & we were in bed around 4pm. I haven't done a late night like that in sooooo long! Can you believe we were up around 9am? NUTZ I'm telling you, just NUTZ!....Anyway, here are a few photos from the night, feel free to check out the full album if you want to see more! PS: Since our original hotel was flooded we are going to get our money back!!! That's right. We can now say we stayed in Boston for FREE! Yeeeaaahhh. * * * The hot pink shoes I wore! My sister gave me these pretty ladies last year!Suuuuuuue. Me, Heidi, Amanda, Sue & Amy Mindy & Heidi...I think they were imitating the servers @ PF Changs!
Sisters! Crystal & Stacia rockin' out! Heidi gettin' down on the table!
Heidi & Amy...their sweet trance/techno moves.
Cara, Amy, Me & Heidi!
Me & Sue
Me & Michele! (I had "split bang" in almost every photo-GRRR!)
HA! Michele & Heidi climbing a tree.
Me & Heidi...don't jump!
Me, Heidi, Amanda, Amy & Sue....loved doing these poses w/o the flash!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the shoes!!!
I had the split bang in all of my wedding photos! arg.
I'm in love with those shoes! Super cute!
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