LOVE MY WEEKENDS: manicure & pedicure, painting our bedroom royal blue, Lilly’s 2nd birthday party, Steve’s 30th birthday dinner w/ Matt, Nichole & the girls, working on finishing the basement & more! * Thanks to my co-worker Amanda...she gave me a ring pop today! I really really really want one of these star/moon spinning lights/lamps! I think it would look super sweet @ night in our master bedroom!
Steve received these "30th" birthday cookies today from the lady that made our sunflower cookies for our wedding! They make my mouth water!Totally purchased the metalic silver boots below from Forever 21 yesterday. How much? $13.99...oh yesssss.
Albino deer! Have you ever heard of or seen them before? Crazy huh! I didn't know they existed! Thanks for the email forward Bonnie!
Has anyone seen that recent sports commercial? Maybe it's on ESPN. It shows a bunch of sports interview clips by the media. It's a rap-ish-turn table mix. Freakin love it! It's so clever! I tried finding it online to post the video but had no luck. If any of you know what I'm talking about and you find a link send it to me will ya! Thanks in advance!
Love those hot silver boots. What a steal!
Sort of sick that those albino deer are eating out of a 'browning' deer feeder- browning sells hunting rifles :o) ha.
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