Sooooo is it a bit weird that this shattered randomly around 11:15pm Sunday night??? I was sound asleep by 10pm-Steve went to the 8pm Redsox game. I heard this crash and shot up out of bed! I searched the house thinking the cat knocked something over but couldn’t find it. Of course I was too scared to go down in the basement-yes, the little girl in me. I SERIOUSLY thought someone broke into our house through the basement window or another door or window. I texted Steve letting him know that I couldn’t find where the noise came from and to wake me up when he got home-if I was still alive-HA. I slept with the kitchen & family room light on-again, the little girl in me. I seriously thought about calling our neighbors & while trying to come up w/ a plan of attack in my head. Somehow I ended up falling asleep. When Steve got home around 2am I bolted to the kitchen & he helped me re-search the house again. Steve thought Boo had maybe knocked down our brand new VERY expensive projector in the basement-stating he would murder him if so (NICE). Lastly Steve checked the hallway bathroom once we got back upstairs. Of course I didn’t think about checking this room bc Kippy (our bird) didn’t make a peep. How random is this?!?!?!?! Still very odd, & even more odd that Kippy didn’t go crazy-normally she does. HOLY FREAK OUT while I was home alone late at night-of course it's normal to hear every little noise left & right-your mind plays tricks on you & starts to wonder...then THIS happens...NOT FUN. *My Emily & my Dad both seem to think there was a screw loose. With the combination of Steve changing the regular light bulbs to energy efficient light bulbs recently & the vibrations from all the hammering & nailing in the basement as well as the vibrations of the washing machine & dryer must have caused the light to come loose. At least so we think...
omg that would've scared me to death!!! I would've been walking around with a baseball bat haha.
I love that I'm yours :o) Love you... your emily ;o)
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