December 18, 2008


People here at work must think I have cooties. I attend a staff mtg every Thursday with my team of roughly 30 people. I sit in the same spot each mtg next to the same 2 people...sorta at the end of the table but not at the end-end. There are always a few extra chairs after me...When the rest of the team arrives, instead of them sitting in the chairs at the end, they take them and move them to sit in-between other people, making everyone scoot down to make space. That’s when I (unintentionally) end up at the end-end. Maybe it’s just me but this drives me crazy & makes me feel pretty crappy. Maybe I’m over analyzing this but it makes me think about this the rest of the mtg. Every time, it’s like clock work...I think about how many cliques there are on my team and how hard it is to make friends with these people. Sometimes I get a lil teary eyed during my staff mtg bc my mind starts to make me feel like I’m the weirdo from VA. As soon as my mtg ends, I bolt out of the room & go back to my cube downstairs---which seems to be my safe haven here. Am I being ridiculous? I wonder...Id rather people think I have cooties instead of them just not wanting to sit by me or even get to know me......5 more days till VA.....I seriously cannot wait to get back home.....


Anonymous said...

Thats ok Shannon, the girls at my work always leave me out of lunch these days. Not sure what I did but it seems they try to sneak out and when I go to look for someone to eat with everyone is gone. I have one girl here who is super nice but we are both in DC opposite days, so we can only eat together 1 day a week. I am the girl who goes to eat lunch with mom or I eat at my desk all alone... maybe we are just losers :) I LOVE YOU THOUGH!

Redhead in Heels said...

There are cliques at every office and it definitely sucks. But my suggestion to you, is to stand up for your seat and when you are asked to scoot down next time, say "Actually, this is where I would like to sit, but thank you." You showed up early enough to get the seat you wanted and you do not deserve to be pushed around by people at work who haven't even taken the time to get to know you. That's crap. It's scary to think about saying something like that of course, but I guarantee that after you do, you will feel better and 100% more confident about your place at the meeting. And your place at the meeting is just as important as everyone else's :-)

Anonymous said...

Their probably intimidated by you. Or maybe you have been seen with unsavory people so they stay away. You do give off a strong cootie vibe sometimes though. Your always all nice and accommodating yuk! What ever you do don't listen to the person above me. She will have you being the weird one for as long as you work there. You would never do that anyway. You want me to talk to them? I will for you.

|andrea| said...

1. Throw them off. Pick a different seat.
2. Most people are losers, don't worry about it.
3. This is why I prefer to work with computers and men.
- Men are too intimidated by me to talk back
-Computers haven't started talking back yet...
Don't worry Shannon, I think you're cool- I'd sit by you.

Unknown said...

Shannon, while you are the wierd kid from Virginia, you know people aren't being mean to you on purpose. Maybe you could start giving shoulder rubs to the guys in your office. Or perhaps you could start rubbing tanning lotion on your female co-workers during down time. I promise people will look at you COMPLETELY different, and everyone will want to sit next to you. As far as lunch goes, I'll eat your lunch any day. Wait, did that come out right? Whatever, go CHARGERS!

Anonymous said...

Joe is so funny! Don't worry it happens to me too. The other day one of our interns (and the interns are all my age) asked me for the local menus that I have by my desk. I asked him if they were ordering out and he told me "no we are going somewhere" and then he said "we can bring you something back". Then a couple minutes later he asked one of my other co-workers to go with them, but not me. :o( I was like THANKS A LOT! So it happens. Don't worry. Its strange even though you work with people 40 hours a week sometimes you never get as close to them as you do friends out side of the office. I have worked with people for 4 + years now and I only really hang out with one person outside of the office! Maybe you should organize a social committee and start planning after work socials? That is what I did with my co-worker and we got people to warm up to each other outside of the office drinking beer or bowling. We even went wine tasting once! Anyway even though you have been there for a while you are still "new" someday there will be another new person and you can make them feel more at ease. Since you know how it feels to be new. :o)
LOVE YOU... EM :o)

Natalie said...

It's cause you're so pretty and they don't want to look bad sitting next to you. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL. Funniest blog ever. If they act that way in a meeting, just imagine what they say behind your back! Wait...we are supposed to make you feel better...ummmm.....they are jealous bitches!