January 23, 2009


This past weekend my sister Ashley & good friend Natalie came to visit me!!! They were here Friday-Monday since it was a long weekend. The 3 of us had a great time packing SOOOO much in, in just 4 days! They came up to help me with bridal appts since Steve was recovering from his minor surgery. We went to the florist apt, linens apt, David’s Bridal apt & church apt! Thanks to them I was able to finish up pretty much all of the important stuff! YAY! Even though the weekend was a lil stressful it was definitely a lot of fun. They helped me make some hard decisions that I am VERY happy with. In between all of the bridal stuff we made time for sushi, the movie “Bride Wars”, shopping & a lil fun in the snow at the park across the street from mine & Steve’s apartment! Here are some of the pics of our fun filled, yet busy weekend!...Thanks girls for making the trip! You don’t know how much I appreciated your visit!.....Now onto my infamous question…WHO’S NEXT?!?!?!? There are many of you out there that I would love to share with you what my new life is like up here! COME VISIT MEEEEE!
Ash: "Take a pic of me doing a fake fall!".....little did she know, she would trip mid shot! ;)
Covered! HA!
Yep...the aftermath of tripping! Ash ATE it!

The stiffest pony rider ever! ;) HA!

Neato huh?.....Killing time while we waited on the florist...

Love this one! Even though there was a ton of snow it actually wasn't THAT cold out!

I was ruuuunnnin...
JUMP! I've got UPs!

Awe, prom pose!

Sportin Natalie's hat...or was it Ashley's? I don't know, they both had the same one!

Isn't Nat's red hat adorable?

"Goin to the chapel and we're, gonna get marrrrried!".....THE doors of THE church! ;)
The perks of being the only people in the teeny tiny movie theater. Photo op!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FYI- I LOVVVVVVVVE that picture of Ashley almost falling (well before the big spill). haha Love you Em