Here is a lil tribute to my cat Molly. Molly is roughly 17 years old...that's pretty much 90 in human years. Molly came into my life around 7th grade when my Aunt Angie's cat had a litter of kittens in NC. I had no hopes of going home w/ a kitten that weekend until miss Molly captured my heart. I remember sitting on my Aunt & Uncle's bed w/ all of the little kittens surrounding me. I was wearing my cousin's sweatshirt which was way to big for me. I sat there Indian style w/ a huge smile on my face. All of the sudden Molly climbed up into my sweatshirt sleeve! How adorable! She snuggled up inside of the arm where my elbow was. It was totally a sign! She hung out w/ me the rest of the evening & helped me win the hearts of my parents & sister. It’s crazy how much a pet can be there for you. Good times & in bad. They always stick by your side. Molly has been there for me through the smiles & the tears, the heart breaks, break ups, deaths, new lives ect. She was the one I would talk to in bed while falling asleep all through high school & after my 1 memorable year of college. After my parents sold our childhood home in VA they asked me if I wanted to take her in before they moved to WV. I was so excited! Of course I said yes right away! Molly has lived w/ me for several years now...she has lived with Natalie, Rebecca & now Steve as well. She of course captured their hearts too. She has obtained the nicknames Miss Molly & Molly Moo. And even Molllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. :).....Now that 17 years have passed since my family 1st took her in, she is starting to age very fast. At an extreme pace really. It's so sad to say but she has been falling a apart every since we left for our honeymoon. She has lost sooooo much weight. She can't walk very well & she can’t really jump up on the bed or couch any more. She hasn’t touched her food in 30 days & is barely drinking her water. It brings tears to my eyes to think that I will probably loose her soon. She has always been so active and playful. She never acted old until just recently. She doesn’t seem to be in pain but at the same time she hasn’t been very talkative. Almost silent really, she hasn’t really meowed or purred...she is almost lifeless....Yesterday evening I picked her up from the vet after having some blood work done. The doc said that it could be a wide range of either a thyroid issue, kidney failure or even cancer. I am trying to wait patiently for the call from the clinic today....hopefully the news isn’t as bad as I’m thinking it might be. Please keep my Molly in your thoughts & prayers....she could def use a bunch of good wishes right now...Here are a few pics below that I took just a few days ago... :)

Shannon - that just brought tears to my eyes! I have a lab that is almost 4! I totally agree on how amazing pets are and how much they are a part of your family! I can't even begin to think of the day that I don't have him in my life! I will be saying lots of little prayers for Molly!
I'm sorry your kitty is sick. Hopefully it's just her tyroid because you can fix that with meds easily. You seriously brought tears to my eyes the way you talked about her. I feel that way about my kitties too. I hope you get a call soon so you at least know what's going on so you can take the next step!
Aw. :o(... You have a Cat?
That is my shout out to Molly & I guess Andy Schuh too...
I feel like she has been there our entire friendship but always hidden under a bed or in a closet. Not until after she moved in with you did she start to come out and get to know everyone a little better. I will say a prayer for her.
After our honeymoon is when Duke took a turn for the worst too, so I know how you are feeling and what you are going through...its not easy to have a sick family member.
actually i think the "you have a cat???" came from Mr. Duncan Dysart back in HS every time he saw the basement cat door @ Mom & Dad's house in Franklin Farms! ;)....Thank you Sarah, Kristen & Emily!
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