I have moved to the country-I am finally admitting that to myself. OMG. I would have never thought I'd end up owning one of these...never ever. But now we do. We purchased this new "non" toy from our fabulous friends Josh & Michelle last night. Steve's reason for needing a 4 wheeler is so that we can plow our super long driveway this winter & the rest of the winters in our future. He swears he's not going to use it as a toy. Mmmm Hmmm.... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Not that I care or anything, I just worry! You always hear of awful 4 wheeling accidents! Funny I mention that since a co-worker stopped by my desk to tell me he broke a few ribs by flying off the back of one the other night. GREAT. Goodness....I will have to admit, even though when Steve took me for a ride on it last night I was a bit nervous, it was a lil fun! This will be the closest to me ever getting on a motorcycle I’m thinking. HA! Anyway...I just wanted to share the news of our recent big purchase! Hopefully it will help a "snow load" (get it?) once the flakes start falling!
This is weird I moved out of the country and we sold our 4 wheeler and you moved into the country and bought a 4 wheeler... weird.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE 4 wheelers!!! hahaha! they are so fun!
Hahah!!! NERD with your "snow load" :)
4 wheelers are a TON of fun!! Just be careful. My grandparents used to have one that we'd ride around in the woods... the woods that are now the Peidmont & Dominion neighborhoods in Haymarket... anywho back to the subject, the 4 wheeler flipped over backward on top of me once when I was driving up a hill. So in conclusion, have fun with it but BE SAFE!
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