Brunette w/ bangs ($7 BOX)
Brunette w/o bangs
Blonde w/ bangs ($100 SALON)
Blonde w/o bangs

PS: On a completely different general...i think it is SO RUDE to not respond to an invitation of any sort. Email invitation, snail mail invitation, Evite invitation, wedding/birthday/retirement/baby shower/bridal shower invitation & so on....This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I don't like to rant & rave or complain much on my blog but from time to time I need to do so. Sometimes blogging is meant for venting. If you can't make an event, NO BIG DEAL, just respond! It's common courtesy! Especially when someone needs time to plan or shop for a certain event, big or small. Be polite people, a Yes, No or even a Maybe will do. Thank you-I feel a lil better. :)
i love you with brunette hair, i mean you look great with any hairstyle.. SERIOUSLY. But, i like the brunette.. with OR without bangs.
seriously? you hate your hair? i love your hair... you are fortunate to dye it any color and still look smokin! i think i like blond... makes your eyes pop!
also, if you want your hair to grow... take zinc pills.
You look great both ways but my fav is brunette (pic 6 and 8) I think blond is more playful and brunette more sophisticated ;) I wish I could pull off brunette!
You have beautiful hair, Shannon! But I am totally the same way - I am never happy with mine and whenever I get it one way I want it back the other. My fav of you is blonde with no bangs...maybe since that's my fav on me too haha. You really do look beautiful any way you have it though - I'm not just saying that!!
I love your hair both ways, BUT I think it's good to do blonde for the summer and brunette for the fall/winter!
I almost always vote blond, but you look fabulous as a brunette! Esp with the side-ish bangs.
And AMEN regarding RSVPs. That is definitely my biggest pet peeve as well, and I am baffled as to why it is so difficult for some people.
I absolutely love the brunette with bangs but I have to agree with Eve, you look amazing any way you decide to do it.
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