I bet you know what I’m talking about....if you live in Northern, VA, I bet you've seen this van around town!!! It's been around for years, kinda creepy. I used to see it all the time driving to work. Leave me a post if you have spotted this vehicle! Does anyone know who owns it and what the story behind it is? I have always wondered.

How did I even think about this might you wonder. Randomly. I saw a truck yesterday morning (similar to the one below) filled with JUNK in the back of the bed. There was a wood sign on it that said "Sanford & Son". For some reason when I looked at the truck and thought of the show my mind started to turn. Then the purple dino van popped in my head! Interesting, I know.

How did I even think about this might you wonder. Randomly. I saw a truck yesterday morning (similar to the one below) filled with JUNK in the back of the bed. There was a wood sign on it that said "Sanford & Son". For some reason when I looked at the truck and thought of the show my mind started to turn. Then the purple dino van popped in my head! Interesting, I know.

Strangely enough...I do know this guy's story. My brother used to work at the Trader Joe's in Reston and this guy in his van would come at the end of each day and pick up the food that was about to spoil that TJ's was going to throw out. He would then take it to an Indian reservation in West Virginia that was very poor. According to my brother his only reason for doing this, "was to make people smile." As for the dinosaurs on his roof, I don't know?? But once I knew what he was doing, I always smiled and waved at him!
Not sure if you know about this site or not. It's just random photos of people/cars spotted at Walmart but when this one popped up today, I thought it was funny.
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